Christmas Gatherings #2, #3, and #4, Plus A Sweet Sixteen

Last Saturday Michelle and the kids trekked town to Tennessee with her parents to attend the second Christmas gathering of the season with family there while I stayed home for work. Then Monday morning, the day of Christmas, we had our own own family Christmas before her parents joined us for Christmas with them. That was a lot of Christmas! 🙂

This week I’ve been enjoying spending some time off from work with the family. Yesterday, we held a sixteenth birthday party for our daughter. I believe she had a good time and enjoyed getting to spend time with her friends. Gosh, Sixteen already… that went by fast! Now I feel like I’m going to blink and 16 will be here for her brothers too.

I’ll be heading back to the hospital for my fourth treatment early this week so I’ll let you know in a few days how that goes. I may be wrong about this but I think they told me last time that this time they’re going to do some sort of follow up scan on me to make sure everything is still looking good inside of me (e.g. I’m still clear of any cancer cells.) So, I can tell you more on that topic after I find out more myself.

Happy New Year!