New Year’s & Fourth Immunotherapy Treatment

New Year’s

I hope everyone had an enjoyable and safe New Year’s. Michelle and the kids went to a friend’s house for a bit on New Year’s eve. I stayed home and worked on figuring out which over-the-air TV station would be showing the “ball drop” for us all to watch together later on when the family got back. I put the TV on “channel scan” (since we don’t normally use over the air channels) and when the process completed, I found out that somewhere in the last several years since TV went digital, we can now pickup over 35 channels with bunny ears! 

Wow! I remember when I was younger there were only four, maybe five, channels available to us over the air, so this seems crazy! While I was flipping through these new channels, I found a fun channel that was playing old episodes of “The Twilight Zone” and I ended up watching those for a few hours until the family came home to finish out the last hour of the year with me. 🙂


Tuesday was my fourth immunotherapy treatment and everything about the process went pretty much as I’ve come to expect now:

  • I arrive at the hospital.
  • I wait for an indeterminate amount of time.
  • I get called back to the lab to get stabbed and give them some blood.
  • I get stabbed again to get the IV ready.
  • I wait yet again, sometimes for quite a while.
  • Someone comes in and hooks up the medicine to my IV and I sit there for about 30 minutes while it trickles into my arm.
  • And finally, after they detach me from the equipment, I get to head home! 🙂

It would appear I was mistaken about the scan I mentioned in my last post. Apparently they are going to scan me next time I’m in. They told me they are not very concerned about recurrence at this point in time, so they are going to do an ultrasound scan rather than the more extensive PET/CT scan they had me go in for back in September