We took Michelle to the Minor Emergency Center near our house this afternoon because she hadn’t been feeling well and I wanted to rule out anything we needed to worry about. After a decent wait time, they checked her out and referred us to the ER because the M.E.C. didn’t have the equipment to verify there was no issue.
We went to the ER as instructed and waited way too long (surprise, surprise) and then when they finally got her back in a room, they discovered that the issue the M.E.C. wanted checked was something they were not allowed to do at the ER and they told us we’d have to follow up at another place in town, that does have the equipment and is allowed to do that kind of check, but on a week day.
So, long story short, problem not solved. The pain that initiated the M.E.C. trip is still there, but the doctor indicated that there is no serious issue present for now. If you’re a praying person, please pray for Michelle’s health, both mentally and physically. It would be nice if we could keep it to only one of us (me) having medical issues for now. 🙂